Sunday, August 7, 2011

Great Weekend and First Woodworking Lesson

School starts for me on Friday so this is really my last weekend of the summer.  It has been a great weekend!  Yesterday was a perfect.  I started off the day with a run at the park - I hadn't run in almost a week because of this terrible heat.  We spent the rest of the day in the pool and taking a long afternoon nap.  We finished off the day by going out to dinner with a friend of mine and her new fiance.  Today we dropped lil' Lulu off with the inlaws for the week.  Can you say quiet house!  I plan to get a ton down in the next four days.

The most exciting thing that I did however, was learn to use my husband's nail gun.  I know I really need to get a life!  I don't know if you have ever watched Rehab Addict, but I so want to be Nicole Curtis.  I have this crazy vision that one day I am going to have all of these power tools and actually know how to use them.  Being a good husband, D is going along this fantasy and trying to teach me how to use some of the tools that we have.  I am currently working on a project that requires some nailing, so I got my first lesson today with the nail gun.  Let me tell you, that thing is scary.  I think I did ok, no visits to the emergency room.  I'm almost finished and I can't wait to share my project soon!

Hope you had a good weekend!

1 comment:

Gridiron Girl said...

I love me up some power tools! I can't wait to see what you're working on!