Sunday, November 13, 2011

New piece of furniture

When we were deciding what electives BB would take this year, he ask if he could be in the Band.  Being the sports obsessed mom that I am, I was alittle surprised but at the same time proud that he wanted to be involved in other things.  When he decided what instrument he wanted to play, he knew that he wanted to be part of the percussion section.  Do you know what comes along with being in percussions....having your very own marimba to practice on!

don't look at the messy boy's room!

Yeah, I know you're jealous.  This thing is gynormous!!!  Definitely not part of the decorating plan for BB's room.  What can I do though, we try to be supportive of everything our kids want to do!

Speaking of decorating plans, I can't wait to share why husbands should not be any part of decorating any room of your home!  Stay tuned....

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fall Catch Up

I promise I'm going to get the hang of this blogging one day.  I can't believe it almost Thanksgiving!  Fall is flying by.  We had such a fun Halloween.  We went trick-or-treating with one of BB's friends and his family.  Lulu said from the beginning that she was going to be a ghost.  I made what I thought was the cutest costume...only she was not impressed.  She wanted to be a SCARY ghost.  I don't know what there is about my children - they both love scary things but are the biggest chickens.  It was a last minute decision for BB to dress up.  He is definitely on the line of being too old.  But I LOVE Halloween and had to give in this last year:)  We went to Target and he immediately saw his costume - The Situation!  I guess you know you're famous when people dress up like you at Halloween.  So here's a picture of my little ghost with The Situation.

The week after Halloween, BB finished up his first year of middle school football.  He had a great year.  I just wish I would have gotten more pics:(

Probably the most exciting thing to happen was BB went to his first dance tonight.  Of course he didn't act like it was that big of a deal until I told him I was going to chaperone!  He was horrified!  Unfortunately, I didn't get to go.  According to the few details I could get out of him and from Facebook (I know, sad) he was meeting a little girl there.  Don't worry though, I will pry every detail out of him when he gets home.  I'll let you know....

getting ready to go to the dance

lil' sis wanted to be in the pic too!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Do I know you??

It has already happened!  I've become a slacker blogger! The beginning of school has been especially busy this year.  BB is playing football, in percussion band, and taking four Pre-Ap classes.  I don't think I remember having this much homework back in the day.  Finally we have gotten into a pretty good routine and I've gotten to work on some projects. 

Lulu has been telling us for weeks that she wants to be a ghost for Halloween.  How original!  I finished the first half of her costume today...

BB and her daddy don't understand why I just don't cut up a sheet and put it over her head.  That would be real cute...NOT!

The boys went to the movies this afternoon, so I actually got to spend all afternoon sewing.  I fell in love with this fabric at Hobby Lobby yesterday and knew I had to make Lulu some ruffle pants.

Now I've got to make a cute top to match.  Be back soon to catch up on all the fun things we have been up this fall.

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School

We have been super busy the last two weeks getting ready for school.  My heart hurt today as I dropped BB off for his first day of middle school.  I could tell he was so nervous which is not like him.  I wanted to go in and help him get all of his stuff organized but it was one of those times that I just had to let him do it all on his own. I thought about him all day and was so relieved to hear that it had been much better than he thought it was going to be.

Lulu has been back at school for a week and can't wait to go everyday.  I am so grateful that she has had some very sweet and caring teachers so far.

My classes were great today!  I can tell that I'm going to have some really fun kids this year.

So far it's looks like it is going to be a pretty good year! 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Great Weekend and First Woodworking Lesson

School starts for me on Friday so this is really my last weekend of the summer.  It has been a great weekend!  Yesterday was a perfect.  I started off the day with a run at the park - I hadn't run in almost a week because of this terrible heat.  We spent the rest of the day in the pool and taking a long afternoon nap.  We finished off the day by going out to dinner with a friend of mine and her new fiance.  Today we dropped lil' Lulu off with the inlaws for the week.  Can you say quiet house!  I plan to get a ton down in the next four days.

The most exciting thing that I did however, was learn to use my husband's nail gun.  I know I really need to get a life!  I don't know if you have ever watched Rehab Addict, but I so want to be Nicole Curtis.  I have this crazy vision that one day I am going to have all of these power tools and actually know how to use them.  Being a good husband, D is going along this fantasy and trying to teach me how to use some of the tools that we have.  I am currently working on a project that requires some nailing, so I got my first lesson today with the nail gun.  Let me tell you, that thing is scary.  I think I did ok, no visits to the emergency room.  I'm almost finished and I can't wait to share my project soon!

Hope you had a good weekend!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Grain Sack Chair Covers

As we are counting down the days until school starts I keep thinking of new projects that I want to get finished before next week.  I've been wanting to spruce up my very boring breakfast area.  I love all of the things that you see in blogland made of antique grain sacks.  I decided that I wanted to make some chair covers for my breakfast table chairs out of grain sacks.  I went onto Ebay to see if I could find some.  WHOA, those things are expensive.  I could buy new chairs for the price of a grain sack.  So I chose to make my own version.  You are going to love what I used:

I found both of these at my local Walmart.  And let me tell you, if you have never made anything out of a canvas dropcloth (I hadn't) you have no idea what you are missing.  You get a buttload (in case you don't know, that means alot!) of fabric for less than $10.00! 

I found out that a standard pillowcase fits perfectly over my chairs so that is what I used for my pattern.  I cut the front and back.  Another great thing about the dropcloth is that it is hemmed all the way around.  I used this as my hem for the inside of the covers.  I knew I wanted to add a ruffle to the back.  Once I had my pieces cut out, I went out to my new favorite site, The Graphics Fairy, and found four french designs.  I printed them out onto the transfer paper (don't forget to reverse your image) and ironed them onto the back pieces.

Next, I cut out an eight inch strip of fabric and folded it in half for my ruffle.  Because the fabric was so fabric I couldn't use gather them using a stitched thread.  I had to gather them by hand.  Never did that before, but it turn out great!

I sewed on the ruffle, then topstitched to make it look nice.  Last I pieced it together like a pillowcase and VOILA...

my version of a grain sack chair cover (I have no idea where that stripe of sunlight is coming from).

I used a different graphic on all four because I didn't want them so matchy, matchy.  Here is picture of all four.

I'm linking up to:

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pool Time

Something very exciting has been happening at the Mims' house...we put in a pool!!!  I've always wanted a pool, but convincing D-Master (hubs) has not been easy.  I finally pulled out the heavy artillery and reminded him that our son is only going to be living here six more years and we need to spend as much time with him and little Lulu as much as possible.  We also want to be the "hang out" house for BB and all his friends.  So, we finally bit the bullet and did it.  I have to say other than prying D's hands off of the checkbook it has been a pretty painless process.  We think we picked the best pool company, a local guy here in Forney named Sam.  He took care of everything and the best only took 18 days from dig until we were in the pool swimming. Yes, let me repeat that...18 DAYS!!

I won't bore you with all of the pictures, but here are just a few.

Before the dig

End of Day 1


This is what it's all about!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Great Eight

I am part of a group of very special ladies known as "The Great Eight."  We came together through the Dallas Phi Mu Alumni chapter.  I have known one of the eight, Gela, since the ninth grade!  Gela and I not only went to high school together in Louisiana, but we went to college together, both moved to Shreveport, La. after graduation, and then somehow both ended up in Dallas.  To say the my children, especially my son, love Gela is an understatement.  And these other ladies, what can I say except they are more like family than just friends.  I truly think of them as my sisters.  We are all sad right now because our sweet Kelly S. is moving to Oregon.  She is going to show those west coasters what being a southern girl is all about.  This is a picture of all us getting together to say goodbye:(

This is a picture of all of our children last summer.  When we all became friends I was one of the few of us that was married, let alone that had a baby.  My, how things have changed!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Welcome back to my blog!

Hey y'all!  Welcome back!  I say welcome back because a few years ago I started this blog and let's just say I didn't do a very good job:(  However, I am ready to start again and hopefully this time things will be different.  When I thought about starting to blog again I thought about what kind of blog I wanted.  I thought about all the interests I have and all the blogs I read.  Did I want this to be a crafting blog? A running blog?  Well I decided that I wanted to talk about whatever was on my mind and going on in my crazy, busy life. 

I know I should go ahead and tell you all about myself.  My name is Kelley and I live just outside of Dallas, Texas, otherwise known as Hell right now!  I have been married to the greatest guy for the last 14 years and we have the two most beautiful children in the world, hence the name "BB and Lulu".  Most of the year I am a high school math teacher.  However, right now during the summer I do my best to forget about school and just do what I love the a mom, run alot, and craft as much as I can.

Thanks for stopping by and I do hope you'll come back!